eLibrary: Byzantium 1262-1435
The years 1262-1453 saw the Byzantine empire's last centuries, marked by cultural revival and artistic achievements. However. the political decline and constant threats ended with the fall of Constantinople.
This is the latest version of an electronic library of resources supporting the early/mis Byzantine exhibitions. It offers free and immediate access to online resources for anyone wanting to explore further the context of the museum’s artifacts. As the museum develops, more resources, in more languages, will be added.
NOTE: Some of these links come from Academia.edu and Researchgate.net. These require a free one-time registration. To research further yourselves, you may consider registering with Jstore.org which gives limited but free monthly access to its collections
Angold, M.,Turning points in history: the Fall of Constantinople. Byzantinoslavica-Revue internationale des Etudes Byzantines, 71(1-2), 2013,11-30. [pdf]
Annual, T.S., Byzantine Studies Conference.2010 1-140 [pdf]
Barreiro, R.A., Siege and fall of Constantinople.2013 [pdf]
Bosselmann-Ruickbie, A. ed. New Research on Late Byzantine Goldsmiths' Works (13th-15th Centuries). Verlag des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums.2019. [pdf]
Brooks S.T. (ed) Byzantium: Faith and Power (1261–1557): Perspectives on Late Byzantine Art and Culture, Met, New Tork, 2006 [pdf]
Carr, A.W., Donors in the frames of icons: living in the borders of Byzantine art. Gesta, 45(2), 2006, 189-198. [pdf]
Dewi, A.S., Irham, M.I. and Wanto, S., . Muhammad Al-Fatih's Conquest of Constantinople: Strategies and Implications. Jurnal Sosiologi USK (Media Pemikiran & Aplikasi), 17(1), 2023.11-19. [book]
Evans, H.C. (ed.) Byzantium: faith and power (1261-1557). Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2004. [pdf download]
Grünbart, M.. ‘Tis love that has warm'd us. Reconstructing networks in 12th century Byzantium. Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire, 83(2), 2005. 301-313. [pdf]
Haldon, J. ed. The social history of Byzantium. John Wiley & Sons.2009. 1-55 [book]
Haldon, J. The Palgrave atlas of Byzantine history. Springer.2005. [book]
Jacobs, I., The Creation of the Late Antique City: Constantinople and Asia Minor during the'Theodosian Renaissance'. Byzantion, 2012, 113-164. [pdf]
Jacoby, D., Silk economics and cross-cultural artistic interaction: Byzantium, the Muslim world, and the Christian west. Dumbarton Oaks Papers, 58, 2004,197-240. [pdf]
Kırmızı, B., 2012. Material characterization of the late 12th-13th century Byzantine ceramics from Kuşadası Kadıkalesi/Anaia.2012. 1-218 [pdf download]
Korobeinikov, D. How ‘Byzantine'were the early Ottomans? Bithynia in ca. 1290-1450. Osmanskii mir i osmanistika. Sbornik statei k 100-letiiu so dnia rozhdeniia AS Tveritinovoi (1910–1973), 2010. 215-239. [pdf]
Kushch, T.V., 2017. The Ottoman Siege and Assault of Constantinople in 1422 AD: Its Military and Political Aspect. [pdf]
Kyritses, D.S. The Byzantine aristocracy in the thirteenth and early fourteenth centuries. Harvard University.1997 [pdf preview]
Kyrris, C.P. Urban and rural conditions in the Byzantine Empire from the end of the thirteenth to the middle of the fourteenth century. University of London, Royal Holloway College (United Kingdom).1961. [pdf preview]
Laiou-Thomadakis, A.E. Peasant society in the late Byzantine Empire: a social and demographic study. Princeton University Press.2019. [book]
Lazarević, D.,. Changing the History of Architectural Heritage Palaeologian Renaissance—The Style that Never Was?. In Advances in Utopian Studies and Sacred Architecture Springer International Publishing.2021, 79-101 [pdf]
Madden, T.F.,. The venetian version of the fourth crusade: Memory and the conquest of constantinople in medieval Venice. Speculum, 87(2), 2012, 311-344. [pdf]
Maiko, V.V., 2019. Byzantine complex of the First Half of the 13th Century in the Port of Sugdea. Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya 4. Istoriya. Regionovedenie. Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya, 2019. pp.18-31. [Researchgate]
Maiorov, A.V. Rus’, Byzantium and Western Europe in the late twelfth—early thirteenth centuries.2016. [Researchgate]
Mujahid, A.B. and Khan, A.Z., Conquest of Constantinople May 29, 1453: Evolution of Islamic Civilization. JSSH, 28(1). 2020, [pdf download]
Nelson, R.S., The Chora and the Great Church: Intervisuality in Fourteenth-Century Constantinople. Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies, 23, 1999, 67-101. [pdf]
Nicol, D.M., Byzantium and England. Balkan Studies, 15(2), 1974179-203. [pdf download]
Nicol, D.M. The Byzantine lady: ten portraits, 1250-1500. Cambridge University Press.1994 [book]
Osbourne, G., Mosaics of power: superstition, magic and Christian power in early Byzantine floor mosaics 2015 (Doctoral dissertation, University of Sussex). [pdf download]
Parani, M.G. Reconstructing the reality of images: Byzantine material culture and religious iconography 11th-15th centuries (Vol. 41). Brill.2003. [book]
Preiser-Kapeller, J. and Mitsiou, E. The Little Ice Age and Byzantium within the Eastern Mediterranean, ca. 1200–1350: An essay on old debates and new scenarios. The Crisis of the 14th Century: Teleconnections between Environmental and Societal Change, 2020. 190-220. [pdf download]
Şahin, K., . Constantinople and the end time: the Ottoman conquest as a portent of the last hour. Journal of Early Modern History, 14(4), 2010, 317-354. [pdf]
Shukurov, R. The Byzantine Turks, 1204-1461 (Vol. 105). Brill.2016. 1-78 [pdf]
Smyrlis, K., Contextualizing Theodore Metochites and his refoundation of the Chora. Revue des études byzantines, 80, 2022,.69-111. [pdf]
Sulayman, S.A., The rise of the Byzantine Greek kingdoms in 1204-1261 AD and its impact on the Byzantine Empire. مجلة العلوم والدراسات الإنسانية-كلية الآداب والعلوم–المرج, (22),.2016.pp 1-28 [Researchgate]
Tsiamis, C., Poulakou-Rebelakou, E., Tsakris, A. and Petridou, E. Epidemic waves of the Black Death in the Byzantine Empire (1347–1453 AD). Infez Med, 19(3), 2011. pp.194-201. [Researchgate]
Varsallona, J., Reinventing the capital: The ideological use of monumental architecture in Michael VIII Palaiologos’ Constantinople (1261–1282). Eurasian Studies, 19(1), 2021.155-177. [pdf download]
Picturing salvation — Chora’s brilliant Byzantine mosaics and frescoes (Smart History) 10 minutes
The Massive Ancient Superweapon That Shattered The Walls Of Constantinople (Dark5 Ancient Mysteries) 11 minutes
Constantinople: The Most Surprising Byzantine Victory You Never Heard Of (Byzantium Documentary) 12 minutes
Byzantium, 1204-1453: Restoration, Twilight, and Fall (Kings and Generals) 12 minutes
The Byzantine Empire Explained in 13 Minutes (Captivating History) 13 minutes
My Personal Ranking of the 12 Centuries of Byzantine History (4th-15th Centuries) (No Budget Films) 25 mins
The Fall of Constantinople: The Great Siege of 1453 | Documentary (Wars of the World) 30 minutes
Alexios Philanthropenos and 13th Century Byzantium | Featuring Emanuele Rizzardi (Eastern Roman History) 78 mins
Byzantine Sailor (X Century). (Schwerpunkt) 81 mins