eLibrary: Map Room 700-1500CE
his is the latest version of an electronic library of resources supporting the Map Room exhibition. It offers free and immediate access to online resources for anyone wanting to explore further the context of the exhibition’s maps. This exhibition shows world maps created between 700CE and 1500CE. But which worlds do they show – history, culture, religion or even geography?
Some of these links come from Academia.edu and Researchgate.net. These require a free one-time registration.
To research further yourselves, you may consider registering with Jstore.org which gives limited but free monthly access to its collections.
ABSOLUTLY SUPERB WEBSITE: https://myoldmaps.com with detailed essays on all the individual maps in the exhibition, and many more besides. [website]
AN EXCELLENT SURVEY VOLUME Forêt. P and Kaplony, A (eds) The Journey of Maps and Images on the Silk Road, 2008, 281pp [pdf]
Abed, S., Mapping the World in Medieval and Early Modern Western and Arabic Travel Accounts, PhD Thesis, University of Utah, 2017 [pdf]
Ahmed, S., ‘Mapping the world of a scholar in sixth/twelfth century Bukhāra: Regional tradition in medieval Islamic scholarship as reflected in a bibliography’, Journal of the American Oriental Society, 120, 1, 2000, 24-43. [pdf]
Al Hosani N, and El Shair, I., ‘Stages of Map-making in Arab-Islamic Heritage: Historical Approach’, مجلة کلية الآداب و العلوم الإنسانية جامعة قناة السويس 39, 4, 11-50 [pdf]
Albu, E., ‘Imperial geography and the medieval Peutinger Map’, Imago Mundi, 57, 2, 2005, 136-148. [pdf]
Allinson, E., ‘Mapping the Mongols: depictions and descriptions of Mongols on medieval European world maps’, Leidschrift, 28, 2013, 33-49. [pdf download]
Arnaud, P. ‘Plurima Orbis Imago. Lectures Conventionnellesdes Cartes au Moyen Age’, Médiévales, 18, 1990, 33-5, [pdf]
i Bataller, R.J.P., ‘The Pisana Chart Really a primitive portolan chart made in the 13th Century?’ Comite Francais de Cartographie, 216, 2013, 17-32. [pdf]
Baumgärtner, I., ‘Biblical, mythical, and foreign women in the texts and pictures on medieval world maps’ in P.D.A. Harvey (ed.) The Hereford world map: medieval world maps and their context, 2006, 305-334. [pdf]
Billion, P. ‘How did Medieval Cartographers Work? New insights through a systematic analysis of the visual language of medieval portolan charts up to 1439’, Comite Francais de Cartographie, CFC 216, 2013, 33-45. [pdf]
Brott, L. ‘The Geography of Devotion in the British Library Map Psalter’, Cartographica, 53, 3, 2018, 211-224. [Academia]
Brotton, J., Crouch.D. e.a. Re-Creating the Lost Silver Map of Al-Idrisi, 2019. [pdf]
Brunnlechner, G., ‘The so-called Genoese world map of 1457: a stepping stone towards modern cartography?’, Peregrinations: Journal of Medieval Art and Architecture, 4, 1, 2013, 56-80. [pdf]
Campbell, T. ‘Portolan Charts from the Late Thirteenth Century to 1500’ in J.B. Harley and D. Woodward (eds) The History of Cartography, Vol I, 1987, 371-463. [pdf]
Chandler, G. ‘Messages in the Maps’ Amaco World, Nov/Dec2019 [pdf]
Chen, C-S., ‘The historical development of cartography in China’, Progress in Human Geography, 2, 1, 1978, 101-120. [pdf]
Choubey, A.N. and Bansal, T, ‘Maps and Mapmaking in Medieval Times: A Retrospect’ in Indian Cartographer, 37, 2017, 41-47. [pdf]
Dalché, P.G., ’Une Technique a une Culture: Carte nautique et portulan au Xiie et au Xiiie Siècle’ Bulletin de la Société nationale des Antiquaires de France??, 1994, 285-312 [pdf]
Dickason, D.G. ‘Decoding the Hereford Mappa Mundi, or, a Speculation on the Nature of Time’ Conference paper, 2016. [pdf]
Dilke. O.A.W. ‘The Culmination of Greek Cartography in Ptolemy’ in J.B. Harley and D. Woodward (eds) The History of Cartography, Vol I, 1987, 177-199. [pdf]
Ducza, M. ‘Medieval world maps Diagrams of a Christian universe’, University of Melbourne Collections, 12, 2013, 8-13 [pdf]
van Duzer, C. ‘Graphic Recoraphic Record of a Lost Wall Map of the World (c. 1490) by Henricus Martellus’, Pereginations. Journal of Medieval Art and Architecture, 5, 2, 2015, 48-64. [pdf]
Estow, C., ‘Mapping Central Europe: The Catalan Atlas and the European Imagination’, Mediterranean Studies, 13, 2004, 1-16. [pdf]
Feng, L.R. ‘Merging into the map: sources of imagined cartographic efficacy in medieval China’, Word and Image, 34, 4, 2018, 322-331. [pdf]
Fleming, B.J., ‘Mapping Sacred Geography in Medieval India: The Case of the Twelve Jyotirliṅgas’, International Journal of Hindu Studies 13, 1, 2009, 51-81. [pdf]
Grčić, M. ‘Geographical image of the world in the London psalter maps from the 13th century’, Collection of Papers – Faculty of Geography at the University of Belgrade 69, 2020, 25-32. [pdf]
Grčić, M., ’Fra Mauro's map of the world from the 15th century – toponomastics of the Balkans’ in Glasnik srpskog geografskog drustva, 101, 1, 2021, 111-140. [pdf]
Hyunhee, P.A.R.K. ‘A Buddhist Woodblock-printed Map and Geographic Knowledge in 13th Century China’, Crossroads, 1-2, 2010, 55-78. [pdf]
Johns, J. and Savage‐Smith, E.,’The Book of Curiosities: A newly discovered series of Islamic maps’, Imago mundi, 55, 1, 2003, 7-24. [pdf]
Karamustafa, A.T. ‘Introduction to Islamic Maps’ in J.B. Harley and D. Woodward (eds) The History of Cartography, Vol II, 1992, 3-11 [pdf]
Kenzheakhmet, N. ‘The Place Names of Euro-Africa in the Kangnido’, in The Silk Road, 14, 2016, 106–125. [Academia]
Krleža, P. and Mlinarić, D., ‘Visual Images on Medieval and Early Modern World Maps: Iconography of the Known and the Unknown’, Kartografija i geoinformacije, 21, 38, 2022, 27-51. [pdf]
Kupfer, M. ‘Reflections in the Ebstorf Map: cartography, theology and dilectio speculationis’, in K.Lilly (ed) Medieval Geographies. Cartography and Geographical Thought in the Latin West and Beyond: 300–1600, 2013, 100-126. [Academia]
Kupfer, M., ‘Medieval world maps: embedded images, interpretive frames’, Word and Image, 10, 3, 2014, 262-288. [Academia]
Kupfer, M., ‘The Jerusalem Effect: Rethinking the Centre in Medieval World Maps’ in B. Kühnel, e.a. (eds) Visual Constructs of Jerusalem, 2014, 353–365. [Academia]
La Porte, M. A Tale of Two Mappae Mundi: The Map Psalter and its Mixed-Media Maps, MA Thesis, University of Guelph, 2012, 116pp [pdf download]
Ledger, J., Mapping Mediterranean Geographies: Geographic and Cartographic Encounters between the Islamic World and Europe, c. 1100-1600, PhD Thesis, University of Michigan, 2016, 401pp. [pdf]
Liščák, V. ‘Mapa mondi (Catalan Atlas of 1375), Majorcan cartographic school, and 14th century Asia’, Proceedings of the International Cartographic Association, 1, 2017, 8pp [pdf]
Liu, D. e.a., ‘Information Visualisation Tools to Explore Fra Mauro’s World Map (dated 1460 CE)’, ePerimetron, 18, 2, 2023, 73-87. [pdf]
Livieratos, E., e.a. ‘Ptolemy’s Geographia in digits’, ePerimetron, 3,1, 2008, 22-39. [Academia]
Livieratos, E and Boutoura, C. ‘Carte Pisane and its coastline shape’, ePerimetron, 13, 3, 2018, 161-181. [pdf]
Mariani, B. ‘A Cosmogram of Its Time – A Conceptual Analysis of the Catalan Atlas’, Annali, 2022 [pdf download]
Mauntel, C., e.a. ‘Mapping Continents, Inhabited Quarters and The Four Seas. Divisions of the World and the Ordering of Spaces in Latin-Christian, Arabic-Islamic and Chinese Cartography in the Twelfth to Sixteenth Centuries. A Critical Survey and Analysis’. Journal of Transcultural Medieval Studies, 5, 2, 2018, 295-367. [pdf download]
Metcalf, A.C. ‘Who Cares Who Made the Map? La Carta del Cantino and its anonymous maker’, ePerimetron, 12, 1, 2017, 1-23. [pdf]
Miguélez, A. ‘Mapping the History of a Map. Fortunes and Misfortunes of the Lorvão Beatus World Map’ in M.A. Miranda and A.M. Cavero (eds) Portuguese Studies on Medieval Illuminated Maps, 2014, 58-80 [Academia]
Mittman, A., ‘Introduction. Medieval English Manuscripts, Maps and Monsters: A User’s Guide’ in A Mittman, Maps and monsters in medieval England, 2013, 1-7. [pdf download]
Mittman, A., and Foys, M., ‘Digital Mappaemundi: Changing the Way We Work with Medieval World Maps’ Peregrinations: Journal of Medieval Art and Architecture, 2, 3, 2009, 170-177. [pdf]
Morawiecka, M.M., 2012. ‘The cloth of the world. Cultural perception of geographical space in medieval cartography’, Prace Kulturoznawcze, 14, 2, 2012, 1-10. [pdf]
Morse, V., ‘The role of maps in later medieval society: Twelfth to fourteenth century’ in J.B. Harley and D. Woodward (eds)The history of cartography, 3, 2007, 1987-2019. [pdf]
O'Doherty, M., ‘Fra Mauro's World Map (c. 1448-1459)‘, Wasafiri, 26, 2, 2011, 30-36. [pdf]
Pischke, G. ‘The Ebstorf Map: Tradition and contents of a medieval picture of the world’, History of Geo- and Space Sciences, 5, 2, 2014, 155-161. [pdf]
Rapoport, Y. and Savage-Smith, E., ‘Medieval Islamic view of the Cosmos: The newly discovered book of curiosities’, The Cartographic Journal, 41, 3, 2004, pp.253-259. [pdf]
Ravenstein, E.G. Martin Behaim. His life and his globe, London, 1908. 158pp [pdf]
Savage-Smith, E. ‘Memory and Maps’ in F. Daftary and J.W. Meri (eds) Culture and Memory in Medieval Islam: Essays in Honour of Wilferd Madelung, 2003, 109−127. [Researchgate]
Schmieder, F., ‘Geographies of Salvation: How to Read Medieval Mappae Mundi’, Peregrinations: Journal of Medieval Art and Architecture, 6, 3, 2018, 21-42. [pdf]
Silverstein, A.J., ‘The medieval Islamic worldview: Arabic geography in its historical context’, Geography and Ethnography: Perceptions of the World in Pre-Modern Societies, 2008, 273-90. [pdf]
Strickland, D.H. ‘Edward I, Exodus, and England on the Hereford World Map’, Speculum, 93, 2, 2018, 420-469. [pdf]
Tibbetts, G.R. ‘The BalkhI School of Geographers’ in J.B. Harley and D. Woodward (eds) The History of Cartography, Vol 2, 1992, 108-136. [pdf]
Wacha, H. and Levernier, J., ‘Cartography and Code: Incorporating Automation in the Exploration of Medieval Mappaemundi’, Digital Medievalist, 12, 1, 2019, 1–29. [pdf download]
De Weert, H., ‘Maps and Memory: Readings of Cartography in Twelfth- and Thirteenth- Century Song China,’ Imago Mundi: International Journal for the History of Cartography, 61, 2, 2009, 145-167. [Academia]
Wintle, M., ‘Japanese World Maps between East and West’, in M. Derks e.a. (eds), What’s left behind: the lieux de mémoire of Europe beyond Europe, 2015, 164-172. [pdf]
Wittington, K. ‘The Psalter Map. A case study in forming a cartographic canon for art history’, Kunstlicht, 4, 2013, 19-26. [pdf]
Woodward, D, ‘Reality, Symbolism, Time, and Space in Medieval World Maps’, Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 75, 4, 1985, 510-521 [pdf]
Woodward, D. ‘Medieval Mappa Mundi’ in J.B. Harley and D. Woodward (eds)The History of Cartography, Vol I, 1987, [pdf]