eLibrary: Cilicia (1226-1375)
Cilicia was a Christian Armenian kingdom situated in an area broadly comparable the south-eastern borders of Turkey with the Mediterrean. The fortress city of Sis was its capital. The region lay at a strategic position, just south of the mountain ranges between the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea. In 1198CE King Levon I became the first King to rule over a (more or less) united, Kingdom of Cilicia. The fortress town of Sis was chosen as the Kingdom’s capital.
The region was under sporadic attack from Mongol and the Mulak forces and its capital was finally captured in 1375, bring the existence of the independent kingdom to an end.
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Christina Maranci: Armenian Illuminated Manuscripts (AGBU Video) 5 minutes
Haghartsin Monastery (Hallohabeebe) 6 minutes
Akhtala Monastery (78 dario) 7 Minutes
Holy Mother of God Church, Yerevan (1264) (Pathan Faizan) 10 minutes
Noravank Monastry (13th century) (Pinoy TV JuaNderS) 11 minutes
Lords of the Mountains: The Foundation of the Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia (History Time) 15 minutes
The Accidental Crusader State: Armenian Cilicia (Stoic History) 47 minutes