eLibrary: Venice
Venice reached the peak of its imperial reach at the start of the 13th century with the seizure and sacking of Constantinople, the capital of the Byzantine Empire. In the aftermath, Venice acquired Crete and several other islands in the Aegean. In 1261, however, the recapture of Constantinople by the Michael VIII with the help of Genoa, Venice’s chief trade rival in the region, dealt a blow to the city’s prestige and prosperity. Throughout this period, Venice was ruled as a republic, ruled by the Doge who was elected for life by the City Council, which was dominated by merchants and aristocrats. Under their patronage, the arts flourished, especially in the sphere of architecture, religious paintings, and religious music.
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Virtual Opening – Paolo Veneziano: Art & Devotion in 14th-Century Venice (Getty Museum) 10 minutes
The Travels of Marco Polo – Summary on a Map (GeoHistory) 11 minutes
Paolo Veneziano's Santa Chiara Polyptych (Save Venice)
Marco Polo Describes the Mongols // 13th cent. Primary Source (Voices of the Past) 13 minutes
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